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Wendy Sharpe "Paintings About Magic and Time Passing"

This exhibition explores how we see everything through our own inner world of memory and imagination, what is physically there, and what is unseen .

“No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away.” ― Haruki Murakami, ‘Kafka on the Shore’

There are major oil paintings, as well as a collection of small intimate work, many of these in antique frames from Paris flea markets. These are like fragments of poetry or artefacts of unknown histories, silent and resonant. I have added a new narrative to each of these pieces while still retaining a feeling of mystery and possibility. 

The suite of large oil paintings depict someone whose inner life is made visible, surrounding them with open ended dream like images. The paintings are simultaneously about past and future, the invisible and tangible. There are no limits to the possible meanings of each painting as they are neither prescriptive or illustrational. The viewer is invited to bring their own interpretation. There are endless possibilities, like creativity itself. 

24 September

Greg Mallyon "Re explored the journey of Burke and Wills"

9 December

Eggpicnic "Home Story"